BIEU Super Soft Organic Cotton Day Pad 24cm 16’s

Made with 100% Organic Cotton Cover Our Organic cotton are harvested and grown using non-genetically modified plants, and without the use of any synthetic agricultural such

BIEU Super Soft Organic Cotton Night Pad 33cm 12’s

12 pieces I 33 cm Heavy Flow Made with 100% Biodegradable Organic Cotton Cover. Designed with unique deep channel design

BLOOD Corn Pad 25cm 14’s | 29cm 12’s | 33cm 10’s | 41cm 8’s

What it is: Pads made with 100% corn topsheet, super-thin yet powerful. Why it’s special:  The first of its kind,

BLOOD Corn Panty Pad 50cm Size S/M 4’s | M/L 4’s | L/XL 4’s

Why it’s special:  A dream team combination of an overnight pad that’s shaped like underwear. Our curve-hugging fit ensures total